Sudden collaboration of two group that appeared of nowhere.


Shofya Humaira Siti Salma

Ex-member of Team 12. Creating the header and publishing of this website so i didn't have to.

Sherly Prisilia Sani

Also an ex-member of Team 12. Responsible for "Responsive Design", or whatever that is called.

Yasmin Zulfati Yusrina

Member of Team 17. Participated in making the footer, and one of the most active member in the group.

Zahri Tsaniyal Baqy

Another member of Team 17. Responsible for the animation on this website, or is it? we'll find out soon enough.

Teguh Dwiputra

Another member of team 17. Created the "main" section, and all random things you see in this website. Did i do a good job?